They'd come, these three, like the Kings, from far,
Following, yes, that guiding star.
And told their sitters: "Take charge! For this
Is a marvelous sight we must not miss!"
To see the animals small and great,
Feathered and furred, domestic and wild,
Gathered to gaze at a mother and child.
And rather than frankincense and myrrh
And gold for the babe, they brought for her
Who held him, a homespun gown of blue,
And chicken soup--with noodles, too-
And a lingering, lasting, cradle-song.
The Queens came late and stayed not long,
For their thoughts already were straining far-
Past manger and mother and guiding star
And a child aglow as a morning sun-
Toward home and children and chores undone.
Norma Farber (from "When It Snowed That Night," 1993)
Let us all remember
Jesus is the reason for the season!
got a chance to read arthur janet rockeys book chicken soup for the soul what I learned from the cat she has a inspirational story in this bestseller. this writer story is autobiographical it is about 2 cats she owns and from reading this you can really learn alot about yourself and life. I was very honored to meet this talented individul recently and she told me she has a devotional coming out and is working on a christian novel and I was very intrested to learn that she has worked with some very talented writers at the christian writers conference I can hardly wait to see mrs rockeys future works tom chastain tampa fla